Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Fall 2015: RDCH 702 Lecture 6 Decay Kinetics

This lecture covers the fundamental equations that describe the decay of radionuclides; covered in two parts. Basic equations and their utility are presented. The implications on error from counting is provided.  Equations for mixtures, equilibrium, and branching of radionuclides are covered.  The use of a program to solve the Bateman equation is presented. The use of cross sections in determining production rates are covered. Saturation in isotope production due to the decay of the daughter is described. Discussion of natural radiation and dating are given. Examples are provided using the equations under a host of conditions. These include examples for dating from 238U, 14C, and the Oklo reactor. Lecture 1 is 44 minutes, lecture 2 is 31 minutes.  The PDF quiz is due 12 October 2015.


  1. Lecture complete and quiz submitted. In the lecture, you mentioned that 15.5% efficiency of a detector was very high. What is it about the detector that reduces this efficiency (I imagine sensor surface area is a part)? Is it cost prohibitive to create better detectors, or just a matter of convenience (where size and portability are more important so long as the % efficiency is known)?

    1. A number of factors reduce efficiency; material, geometry, crystal size, sample preparation. One of the higher costs associated with detectors is the crystal size, which does have an impact on efficiency.

  2. I was unable to download the ERG Software, but I will try again and let you when this problem is solved. Decay Kinetics Part1 & Part2 are completed and the PDF quiz is submitted.

    1. Use the link on the course website: http://radchem.nevada.edu/classes/rfss/program/NToolsV2002.zip

  3. Lectures completed and quiz submitted. Louis-Jean , the ERG website doesn't seem to have ERG readily available for download ...but the links from the UNLV page for downloading ERG do work. Suggest you try those, not the website directly. U-235/U-238 calculation was interesting.

    1. Correct. The ERG website has not been working for some time. I contacted them last year and they permitted me to have a linked copy on our webpage.
